Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Le Carnaval


Happy Mardi Gras everyone!

Charlotte Megret, our lead counselor, recently shared some fun customs surrounding the celebration of Le Carnaval from around the world.

Elaborate costumes for le Carnaval!

You may have heard of le Carnaval in Rio, Brazil or Mardi Gras in New Orleans but did you know that this évenément takes place in many Pays Francophones as well? On the French island of Guadeloupe for instance, le carnaval is a really popular event where everyone has to wear un déguisement. A huge parade is organized, and people march and dance to the sound of tambours. Another important tradition is the défilé des chars where the best floats are showcased. Many people start decorating their char a year before the next Carnaval!

In France, some cities like Nice also host great carnavals, but most people prefer to eat plein de bonnes choses! Mardi Gras literally means Fat Tuesday and was traditionally a religious celebration that took place the day before the start of Le Carême. The goal was to rid the pantry of all the fatty food and the best way to do this was by making des crèpes and des beignets. Today is Mardi Gras so get your masque à plumes out or your deep fryer, if you prefer!

Le Carnaval - the Carnival

Un événement - an event

Pays Francophones - Francophone countries

Un déguisement - a costume

Les Tambours - drums

Le défilé des chars - the float parade

Plein de bonnes choses - literally "a lot of good things" (used when talking about food or to wish someone a happy new year)

Le Carême - Lent

Des crèpes - crepes

Des beignets - donuts

Masque à plumes - mask with feathers

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