Our next artist within the Canoe Island French Camp community is Margaret Schafer. She has been a counselor, marketing coordinator, assistant director and is now the administrative director at Canoe Island French Camp.
Q. What are the mediums you work with?
A. I make jewelry as a hobby using the lost wax casting method, also known by its French name, "cire perdue". This method involves carving an object out of wax and then replacing the wax with metal. All my designs are currently cast in yellow bronze.
A. Unique handmade jewelry that recalls styles of antiquity but remains modern. I hope to create pieces that can be worn everyday but still feel special.

Q. How can interested buyers get in touch with you?
A. Feel free to have a look at my Etsy shop at ibiselement.com or email me at ibis.element@gmail.com with any questions.
Q. Where do you draw your inspiration from?
A. Many of my pieces evoke the form of insects, which have always fascinated me. And I'm constantly inspired by living on Canoe. One of my recent pieces resembles the plate of a chiton, which I sometimes see on the paths when I walk around the island.
Q. What were some of your favorite things to create in the Atelier at Canoe Island French Camp?
A. When the campers are on the island, I love working in clay with them in the Atelier. I really appreciate seeing the inventive, whimsical pieces the campers make and I love the thrill of putting a ceramic creation in the kiln and seeing the transformation.
Q. What advice do you have for young artists?
A. Take pleasure in the process of creation and don't be discouraged if your first try doesn't match the vision in your head. Each day that I spend time on jewelry I can feel myself improving little by little, but I had to make a lot of bad work before I could make pieces that live up to my vision.
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