Friday, April 8, 2016

French Voyageur Trivia

Les voyageurs


The French voyagers moved to 'New France' in the early 18th century to take part in the fur trade. Many of the elite class in Europe wore fur hats, so the demand was high! Especially with some of the most prized animals hunted to extinction in France and England. Travel along rivers in birchwood canoes into the backcountry was hard and dangerous work! Rhythmic songs to set the stroke pace and pass the time were aplenty, including Alouette and a Canoe Island French Camp favorite, Chevaliers de la Table Ronde

1. Où se trouve la Nouvelle France au début de 18ème siècle?
Where was 'New France' at the beginning of the 18th century?

2. Quel animal avait la fourrure la plus demandée pour les chapeaux en Europe?
What animal had the most popular fur for hats in Europe?

3. Qu'est-ce que ça va dire 'portager'?
What does 'to portage' mean?

4. Les Français ont de la baguette. Quelle type du pain était fait par les voyageurs?
The French have baguette. What type of bread was made by the voyageurs?

Les réponses

1. En Amerique du Nord
In North America

2. Un castor
A beaver

3. A porter un canot à l'invers sur les épaules
To carry an upside down canoe on the shoulders

4. le Bannock

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