Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Daydreaming of French Pastries....

We're getting very excited to see Amanda Webber, illustrious baker and sous-chef, who will be returning to Canoe Island this summer. She'll kick off her summer by leading our Mère et Moi Cuisine weekend May 10 - 12, where she'll be giving workshops on creating French style pastries and chocolates.

This weekend she created some of the desserts she'll feature during the workshops. Amanda sent us this photo of one of her masterpieces. We're drooling. May 10th can't come soon enough!

Check out all our adult programs here on our website. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Poisson d'Avril!

This summer, Canoe Island will be offering only sugar-free desserts.

April Fools, obviously! We'll be eating decadent French pastries and desserts all summer long. 
The French are celebrating April Fools' Day by turning each other into "Poisson d'Avril," which involves taping a paper fish onto an unsuspecting person's back. 

The holiday may make more sense to Americans when you learn that Patisseries take the opportunity to make fish-shaped pastries and chocolates.

The blog Paris Breakfasts have some lovely photos of chocolate fish: